
faith baptist

Greetings my fellow laborer In Christ,

I appreciate that you have taken the time to read this letter of recommendation. Phil and Helaine are a unique couple who passionately desire to serve the Lord in France. Phil is the son of a pastor and missionary and Helaine was born in Europe and is also a daughter of a missionary.

Their faithfulness to God and to each other, along with their training, experience and their gift of developing relationships make them well prepared as team missionaries in France.

They have joined an experienced missionary who has planted 6 churches. Today each of those French churches are under the direction of national pastors. The latest church is in Paris. This church is the place where Phil and Helaine are building a foundation for their journey as missionaries in France.

If I can help you with any information about Phil and Helaine, please do not hesitate to call me or write me an email. I would encourage you to get to know what motivates their family and to see firsthand their love for the LORD and His people.

Mark Ring

Pastor FBC


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